A baby elephant stuck in a ditch near railway tracks as a passenger train speeds by at Pancharatna pahar in Goalpara on February 17, 2014 in Assam, India. A group of wild elephants were crossing the railway tracks in Goalpara when a calf elephant from the herd was injured and fell into a ditch.
This baby elephant landed in an old mess after falling down a railway embankment.
Quickly trapped in the muddy ravine, his attempts to free himself failed again and again. Fortunately, a train was passing by and the passengers, upset to see the animal left in a bind, convinced the conductor to stop so they could free it.
While one traveler lured the elephant to the top of the ditch by spreading tree branches for it to eat, others joined the rescue, eventually extricating the animal from its predicament.
Local people give food to a baby elephant stuck in a ditch near the railway track as a passenger train speeds past at Pancharatna pahar in Goalpara on February 17, 2014 in Assam, India. A group of wild elephants were crossing the railway tracks in Goalpara when a calf elephant from the herd was injured and fell into a ditch.
The calf suffered no injuries in the fall and likely learned not to stray too far from the herd in the future after its misadventure in the mud.
Authorities say the elephant was walking on the railway tracks in Goalpara, in India’s northeastern state of Assam, when it fell into the ditch.
Accidents involving elephants in the country are not uncommon. On Monday, one died after he froze on the tracks as a train sped toward him.
And seven elephants were killed when a train plowed into them at 50 mph in November, prompting calls to restrict train speeds to protect India’s wild elephant population, estimated at some 26,000.
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