The incredible home life of mum who gave birth to surprise triplets after waiting years to conceive

Vickie and Jamie O’Donnell struggled to conceive their first child for years but miraculously fell pregnant again with triplets just four months after their son Phoenix was born.

A mum who gave birth to triplets after years of struggling to conceive with her partner has described parenting as “like a conveyer belt sometimes”.

Vickie and Jamie O’Donnell said they had struggled to conceive for years before the birth of their “miracle baby” son Phoenix last year.

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Story to Hear.

But just a few months after their little boy’s arrival, 28-year-old Vickie was delighted to find out she was pregnant for a second time.

The couple were eventually given the incredible news that she was expecting triplets.

Read more:Eastenders star Kellie Bright welcomes third child after IVF treatment

Violet, Tarney and Rhubie-Ann’s arrival in June this year meant that for just over a month, they were parents to four babies under the age of one.

“People see us walking towards them with the pram and you can see their faces glowing thinking ‘look it’s twins’!” Vickie said.

“I honestly have no idea how many nappies we get through,” joked Vickie.

“The babies are all in different sizes too, so we have about three boxes on the go at any time.

“I absolutely love it though, I honestly would not change it for the world.”

Vickie and husband Jamie from Abercynon had tried to conceive for years before they welcomed Phoenix into the world, but had some trouble along the way due to Vickie having polycystic ovary syndrome.

The couple were convinced they would never conceive naturally, and thanks to some hormonal help they got pregnant with Phoenix, who Vickie described as her “miracle baby”.

Just six months after his arrival on July 23, 2020, the couple were told the amazing news that their unexpected and unplanned pregnancy was in fact triplets.

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